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Educational Components

Grace Place Learning Center strives to maintain a low teacher/child ratio in order to provide a nurturing, safe, environment which allows children to grow spiritually, academically, and socially.

Through our Christian-based curriculum, children experience age appropriate lessons that include (but aren’t limited to) the following…


Chapel is held Wednesday mornings.  Christian stories and values emphasized throughout the day.

Early Math Concepts

Children learn to understand number concepts through various teaching and play activities.

Arts & Crafts

Activities to strengthen imaginations, which also help in other learning environments.

Pre-Reading Skills

Our literature based curriculum promotes letter and word recognition.

Gross Motor Skills

Age-appropriate activities strengthen large muscles in the body.

Social Development

Through indoor and outdoor play.

Vocabulary Development

Emphasis on words that are part of a child’s natural environment and the introduction of new words.

Fine Motor Skills

Various activities such as blocks and writing, promote use of small muscles.

Child Directed Centers

Allow children to select and initiate their own activities from a variety of teacher prepared learning areas.

Instruction in Small and Large Group Settings

Helps children work independently as well as socially.

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