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"I am a child of God." John 1:12
Let your light shine. Matthew 5:16
God has great plans for you, let all that you do be done in love. Your Word is a light unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
Children are a gift from God. Psalm 127:3
My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty.
Jesus Loves me, this I know.
All creatures great and small; the Lord made them all.
Rise and shine and give God the glory.
He's got the whole world in His hands.
The B-I-B-L-E, yes, that's the book for me.
Jesus loves all the children of the world.
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.
This little light of mine- I'm going to let it shine!
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